Welcome to my personal website!

I am an Assistant Professor in the Data Science group within the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) at Politecnico di Milano. I am also affiliated with Indiana University Bloomington’s Observatory on Social Media (OSOME) and I have been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute.

My research lies at the intersection of Computational Social Science and Artificial Intelligence, focusing on data-driven computer and network science methodologies to explore large-scale online phenomena. A central theme of my work is investigating the transformative impact of generative AI on digital information ecosystems. This includes examining the role of AI in amplifying misinformation and disinformation, as well as developing principled frameworks to ensure the safety, accountability, and integrity of online social platforms in the face of these challenges.

Feel free to reach out via email at: francesco dot pierri at polimi dot it

For a complete list of my publications check my Google Scholar profile.



Thesis Proposals

If you are Master student at Politecnico di Milano and are interested in working on one of the topics below send me an email with your CV and transcript of records:

  • Auditing social media platforms for Teen usage via sockpuppet accounts
  • Simulating social media platforms with Large Language Models
  • Understanding memes with Large Language Models
  • Studying human behaviour in online multiplayer games (e.g. League of Legends, DOTA)
  • Investigating conspiracy theories on TikTok and YouTube